Top 10 Facts About Coffee
Coffee is one of the world's most consumed liquid in the world aside from water.
So let us recognize the top 10 facts about coffee.
1- The world's second most valuable traded commodity, only behind petroleum is Coffee
2- A Starbucks coffee has much more caffeine than Energy drinks .
3- If Coffee is consumed between 9:30 am and 11:30 am , it will be more effective .
4- Close to 2.25 billion cups of coffee is consumed every day.
5- In Korea and Japan, you can go to drink coffee and hang out with cats for hours in a Cat Cafe .
6- Coffee beans are fruit pits ,not beans.
7- A cup of caffeinated coffee improves blood flow.
8- In France, There's a Coffee Shop if you don"t say "hello" and "please" your coffee will be more expensive.
9- New Yorkers drink almost 7 times more coffee than other cities in the US.
10- 54% of the Americans drink coffee every day.
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